nichiyoshiHow to resolve compile error: “Apps targeting Android 12 and higher are required to specify an…If your app targets Android12, the document says:Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
nichiyoshiHow much Wire-compiled proto file is smaller than Protoc-compiled fileWhen you use Protocol Buffer with Gradle project like Android, major choice of compiler and runtime environment would be either Protobuf…Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
nichiyoshiinFiNC Tech Blogワンランク上の健康管理を!「FiNC Plus(プラス)」をスクラムで開発しましたFiNCでAndroidエンジニア 兼 スクラムマスターをしている吉田です。Oct 6, 2020Oct 6, 2020
nichiyoshiDetect when the specific view is shown / unshown in ScrollViewImagine you have a ScrollView and required to send an impression log of the specific item in the ScrollView.Mar 29, 2020Mar 29, 2020
nichiyoshiAndroid — replace the specific span of TextView with a drawableWhen you want to display text with icons as one TextView like below, how do you achieve it?Mar 29, 2020Mar 29, 2020